Here on Iron Feed. This is the Journal of Matt Winder and his workout Program of P90X. I am going to take the 90 day challenge. You see I am the kind of person who has had trouble in the past staying motivated. I have a black belt in Procrastination, and a doctorate in quitting early. My friends all know this. Well, lately I have been looking and watching my family closely. My grandfather (or in other words) my dad's father was overweight and could not get control of it to the point that he needed to have gastric bypass surgery. Weight issues run deep in the Winder family.
In 2007 I was in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Academy. Before I was in the academy I was overweight. It was hard for me to get into shape before the academy. I just couldn't do it, so I thought that it was the job of the academy to get me into shape. Boy, was I wrong. They did get me into shape but it took about 9 weeks. I was so skinny. I lost about 60 pounds in 9 weeks. At the end of the academy I weighed 190 and there was a lot of muscle. Now its May 2009 and I weigh between 220 and 230 (it fluctuates). Let me tell you, I do admit that I am embarrest when I take my shirt off to jump in the pool and my wife sees my flabby chest. I am embarrast that my little brother can do more push-ups than me. He's 16 and I am 24. I don't want health problems when I am older and don't want my children to have health problems because of wieght. If my son wants to be Micheal Phelps than I want him to be a Micheal Phelps and not couch potato like I have been.
Am I nervous for what lies ahead? A little bit. Do I know there's going to be days when its hard to walk? Yes, I can't wait. Why not start now. I don't want to have a black belt in Procrastination. I do, however, want to have a black belt in karate, or at least a knowledge of it. I am going to work hard to do this. Matt Winder is NOT going to Quit!